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Don’s Build-My-Web-Page - Create and Edit SBI Pages in Multiple Languages

Looking For A Easy Transition From Block Builder to Uploading Your Own SBI Pages? Try Build-My-Web-Page Software

General Overview:

Drawing on the experience I gained from building Don’s Do SBI Includes my new program Build-My-Web-Page is designed to accomplish the following.
  1. Make it easy for novice computer users to construct and edit SBI pages without extensive knowledge of html. As such it should make a perfect tool for those who want to move beyond block builder or who want to construct html code to cut and paste into block builder text boxes.
  2. Make it possible to insert images, links, YouTube Video’s, Adsense ads, Content C2 invitations and even a photo gallery without knowing much about html.
  3. Immediately check your html code (on your own computer) as it will appear at SBI.
  4. Make it easy to create and manage menus for your pages in multiple languages.
  5. Take full advantage of SBI includes for managing your menu structures and web site design.
  6. Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to handle the formatting of your web pages for easier construction and better consistency across pages.
  7. Make it easy for a novice user to modify the accomping CSS files by using a form interface. This makes it easy to create your own look and feel.

How To Videos - Overview.

Here is the first of the "How-To" Videos. This one should give you at least a picture of what I am trying to do with the software. Enjoy

Build-My-Web-Page Overview Demo

The following video shows in detail how you should go about doing the initial setup of the program.

Build-My-Web-Page Set-up Demo

Looking for Beta Testers!

I am currently looking for a group of beta testers to try out the program and report problems and suggestions to me. Those who participate in the beta testing will recieve a special deal on version one of the program. The current requirements for testing the product are as follows:

If you want to dig into the details then click on the following button to download, save and/or print the programs documentation.

Build-My-Web-Page Documentation

If you are ready to download and give the program a try please click on the following button.

Build-My-Web-Page Program Download Button

To download a zip file containing a set of sample data files click the following button.

Sample Data Files to Go with BMWP Software

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