An Adventure Vacation Adds Spice to Your Life!

An Vancouver Island vacation gets you close to nature and refreshes the soul. We'll help you pick the real gems from the ecotourism travel listings. We focus on how to find the best activities, what to expect, what to wear, what to bring and sometime more importantly what not to bring.

We believe that preserving the natural environment for future generations is important so we grade vacation travel operators for their environmental stewardship.

A Yearly Teak

Both my wife and I were born in Atlantic Canada. In 1970 we moved to Alberta to attend university. For the next 14 years we made a yearly summer streak to visit Vancouver Island.

In 1984 we moved to Vancouver Island and since that time have toured it extensively.

We have tried all the activities that we recommend on this site and are sure that the tour operators will treat you well and make your stay a memorable one.

Wherever we go we take the digital camera so you can get an idea of what you might see on an adventure vaction to Vancouver Island.

We realize that the term adventure means different things to each traveler. If you are a parent with young children, just getting through the day without major incidents can be an trial.

With this in mind we point out age, size and physical condition limitations for all the adventure vacation links you will find on this site.

Our Feature Photo Gallery - Ocean Kayaking

About This Photo Gallery

The pictures in this gallery will change from time to time as I capture new vistas that I want to share with you.

Click on each of the thumbnail images, in the block to the right of the main picture. This will cause the main image to be replaced with the thumbnail you have chosen. A caption is shown in the bottom right of the gallery box and gives information regarding the shot.

We have been extra busy this summer checking out a number of opportunities that you might want to try on an adventure vacation to Vancouver Island. Currently the photo gallery holds shots of our recent kayak trip to the Broken Group Islands in the Long Beach National Park. Enjoy.

The pictures here are protected under copyright and are strictly for your viewing enjoyment. Please see our Terms of Use section for more details.

Privacy Guarantee: Your privacy is guaranteed. No personal information, including email addresses, will ever be sold or passed to third parties.
Contact: Don Cowper

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