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A Snow Swicki Search for Skiing Pictures, Snow Scenes and Other Downhill Skiing Pictures

Didn't Find What You Were Looking For? - Try a Snow Swicki Search for More Info.

This is my Snow Swicki Search page. You may be asking right now what a Swicki Search is and how it is different from other searches you do on the Internet. The swicki search is from and allows anyone to conduct deep, focused searches on topics that are of great interest to them.

Not only can you read and visit the sites listed in the search results, you can suggest via a voting pad that individual entries should be promoted (i.e. made more prominent in future search listing for the same key words) or deleted entirely in future search results. Further you can help re-word an entry and promote it or suggest that an entire site be removed from future search results. The owner of the web site where the swicki appears will be able to easily approve your improvements. In this way the search results can get better with the collective wisdom of you the searchers.

You can type any search phrase into the snow swicki search box below and either press the Enter key or click on the Search button. Alternatively you can simply click on any of the terms in the Buzzcloud under the search box to open the results window on

As you move your mouse over the search results five choices will appear in the right hand margin. If you move your mouse over one of the choices a voting pad pops up that allows you to influence what happens to that list item on future searches. The listing will resemble the following:

Snow Search Results with Swicki

The top entry allows you to edit the wording of the entry and promote it as a good resource. The second entry allows you to suggest the promotion of the whole site. The 3rd and 4th entries allow you to suggest that a page or a site be deleted as not relevant to a future snow swiki search. Of course this doesn't have any effect on the original site, just it's inclusion in the search results. The last entry gives a brief explanation of what the buttons do.

With no further introduction I present my Snow Swicki Search:


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Contact: Don Cowper, 1685 South Alder Street, Campbell River, BC, Canada, V9W 7J1 Tel: +01 250-923-4606

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